Elephant foot disease or called lymphatic filariasis is caused by Filariodidea worms that infect lymph nodes. This worm enters the human body by mosquito intermediaries.
Elephant foot disease is commonly found in tropical regions, such as Indonesia. In total there are 1.23 billion people worldwide who are at risk of getting this disease. In Indonesia alone, there were around 13,000 cases of elephant disease in 2015.
How can elephantiasis spread?
As a tropical country, Indonesia is a comfortable place for mosquitoes to breed. Therefore, it is natural that more than one hundred million people are at risk of becoming infected with this disease. When mosquitoes suck the blood of someone who contains filaria worms, the worms will also infect mosquitoes. Furthermore, this infected mosquito will spread filaria worms when biting others. Filaria worm larvae will then stay in the lymph vessels. In these lymph vessels the filaria worm larvae will grow up and multiply. Adult worms themselves can live up to 7 years in human lymph vessels. They will spread millions of worms into blood vessels so that when bitten, mosquitoes can spread them to other people.What are the symptoms of elephantiasis?
In fact, a person infected with this worm can not be immediately ascertained because this disease has several phases, namely without symptoms, acute, and chronic.The phase without symptoms
When someone is infected with filaria worms, he will not immediately show certain symptoms. However, in this phase there has actually been damage to the lymphatic and lymphatic flow system, as changes in the immune system occur.
Acute phase
Characterized by inflammation of the skin, lymph nodes, and lymph vessels, which usually accompany the swelling of the lymph nodes that have been chronic, and elephantiasis. This is caused by the body's immune system response to parasites. Symptoms that can occur in the acute phase include fever, swollen lymph nodes, and swelling of the legs and testicles.
Chronic phase
When entering the chronic phase, swelling of lymph tissue and thickening of the skin in the legs and balls can occur. In women, swelling of the breasts and genital organs can occur.
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